Jack Kingsman's actual brain

Jack's Brain

Hi! I’m Jack Kingsman, an SRE @ Atlassian in Seattle. In my free time stay busy as a volunteer EMT, Divemaster, and amateur radio operator.

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Jan 17, 2016
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After a leisurely day, an idea struck fast and hard – four hours later, Breakbot was born.

Breakbot simplifies fuzzing and pen-testing by putting disruptive strings and naughty unicode just a click away – no more googling for Zalgo or trying to copy a zero-width character. Breakbot is a click-paste solution that puts bad strings on your clipboard quickly and easily. It’s on [GitHub][1] and the Chrome Store (soon, I hope – all the badness (and probably the EICAR string) in it has got the extension stuck in review… no surprise).

Today’s afternoon project before I start my real work: scriptBot. prep.py will process subtitle files (in SRT format), take in some Twitter credentials and interval data, and then build a file that tweet.py can take in, which will tweet out a random line from the movie on the given interval… it’s set and forget cultural relevancy that really allows you to put out high quality content.

And now I guess I should probably do the real work that pays for my college education.

Jan 04, 2016

I got tired of typing the emoji shrug by googling it and copying the first result, so I wrote a bookmarklet to inject it into the active input field.

You can also drag this hyperlink to your bookmarks bar, and click it when you’re focused in a textbox you want to inject it into: [¯_(ツ)_/¯][2]

Doesn’t work on facebook comments because they’re actually editable

s and not inputs with a grabbable value but this was a 30 second project so ¯_(ツ)_/¯

…and all that is old has been made new again. Back to data structures and improv classes, back to the winter quarter gray, python once more my daily driver, new old favorite albums that haven’t seen the light of day since high school, and the excited anxiousness of a new job on the horizon… I can’t wait for this quarter to start, and somehow I already can’t wait for it to be over. I’ll just be over here coding and rocking out to the classics that feed my soul – like I always do. :)

Jan 01, 2016

database migrations.

in which my CPU fan explores its aspirations to become a jet engine.

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Dec 31, 2015

y gulp.

y u do this.

y u mek me hev a sad.gulp

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BRB dying.

Dec 26, 2015

AKA stalk your friends on Tumblr.

Something about my implementation on the master branch (in node.js) broke intermittently, so I tore the whole thing down and rewrote it in Python (are you noticing a theme this break?).

I’ve got an in-CLI version that just dumps URLS on the python branch, or a downloader version (which has the README for both python versions) on the python-download branch.

Nothing too huge, but good for yanking down the content of every post that is NOT a reblog/is original content.

I couldn’t sleep tonight, so I built a little toy that interfaces with Facebook’s TTS system for generating speech. The interface connects to both the standard pronunciation system, and the ‘echo’ system, which uses a custom implementation of IPA to generate speech from precoded phonemes. I’ve written more about both types, as well as included download links for generated audio, at the CodePen I wrote. Check it out, if you feel so inclined.

I troubleshoot a lot of systems that are designed to send emails, usually expecting a SMTP server to send from. However, I dislike using my personal email credentials (usually the only ones I have on hand) and setting up a local mail server or a mail server snippet isn’t always practical – so I wrote Mockbox.io.

Mockbox is free, ephemeral, and simple SMTP server simulation – it’s essentially a free, open source alternative to MailTrap.

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