Magnet Implant Gone Wrong
Jun 02, 2014
I attempted magnet insertion myself and went at it with a friend all scrubbed up to assist. Unfortunately, my scalpel wasn’t shaped correctly (#10) to make a deep enough pocket without making a massively oversized incision, and the lidocaine was wearing off by the time I tried using the tip of my surgical scissors to open a pocket, which created a triangular shaped opening that didn’t fit the magnet well anyway. I had it big enough for the magnet to fit but it barely peeked through the wound, and there was no way to stitch it so I called it off.
The next day, I got a different type of scalpel (#15) that definitely did the job better, but the ice water numbing was insufficient to numb the pain enough to the point I felt I could continue to safely operate on myself as pain worsened, so I quit on that one real quickly.
I’m really frustrated; a magnet implant is something I’ve been looking forward to a whole lot and while I will attempt it again, I leave university for home in a couple weeks, and I’m sure it’s going to be more difficult to find space and time to do it with my parents around (to say nothing of the wasted money on the lidocaine).
The incision sites are healing really well, so I can’t complain too much, but I just felt like venting… I got a new Arduino, magnetometer, etc. and I have to put that on hold.
Ugh. Failure sucks.